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Traci Watson

Dogs get jealous, too

All dog lovers know their pets can feel loyalty and love. Now a study has found that dogs also show signs of a feeling that, for humans, goes hand-in-hand with love: jealousy. In ...

‘Lumbering giants’ roil world’s oceans

A 70-foot wave is a terrifying wall of water that only the best surfers can ride. But it’s a midget compared with the colossal and mysterious waves that lurk under the ocean’s surface. ...

Animals hanker for exercise

And you thought the term “gym rat” was just a figure of speech. After scientists set up little exercise wheels in the great outdoors, wild animals from mice to rats to frogs gave ...

Do our electronics confuse birds?

Gadgets may upset magnetic compasses used for migration

Dogs pick up directions from human voices

When every call of “Spot, come!” sends your dog running in the opposite direction, it’s easy to be cynical about how well canines listen. But a new study shows dogs and even puppies are capa...

New World discoverers suffered old disease

The bold colonizers who accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second trip to the New World faced obstacles impossible to grasp in today’s hyperconnected globe. The seafarers planned to set...

Saturn moon support life?

Researchers detect ocean that could hold elements for life

Elephants' ears aren't just for show

Human voices help them determine who's a threat

Frozen, but unshaken

The frozen soil deep below the Siberian tundra has yielded an astonishing discovery: giant viruses that are still infectious though they’ve spent the last 30,000 years or so on ice. ...

Results confirm tribes’ lineage

Native Americans have DNA links to earliest people

Scientists put face on past

Scientists have found the most primitive creature to have had a face like humans, and there’s definitely something fishy about it. This first face belongs to the newfound species ...