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Shop Local for the Holidays

It’s that time of year again; inboxes piling up with discount codes, promotional flyers on our doorsteps, commercials highlighting the latest gadgets we never thought we’d need (and maybe st...

The ‘Be Local Coupon Book’ is back

It’s that time of year again – leaves are changing, pumpkins are on display and the newest “Be Local Coupon Book” is about to hit the shelves of local, independent businesses in La Plata Cou...

Thrive! Living Wage Coalition announces new home at the Local First

After a brief hiatus because of pandemic complications, La Plata County’s Thrive! Living Wage Coalition is ready to be reintroduced to the community. Now a proud program of Local First, the ...

Private and public ownership

The sales of a handful of prominent private and publicly-owned properties in Durango have been hot topics of discussion within our community over the past few months. From city-owned proper...

Harvest Dinner returns: Support for local food important now more than ever

La Plata County is in full bloom during these summer and fall months. Fruit trees are dripping along the sidewalks, gardens bursting from their boxes and the hardworking gleaners of the Good...

The Complexity of Durango’s Labor Shortage

Earlier this summer, Local First, In The Weeds and Good Business Colorado’s Resilient Restaurant Program convened Durango’s local restaurant owners at Zia Taqueria North to address the large...

Nonprofit organizations play key role in setting policies that benefit our community

One of the most important roles of non-profit organizations is to advocate for overarching policies and goals on issues that impact the community. While promoting these policies, non-profit ...

Why local energy matters

As you may have noticed, campaign signs are popping back up on yards and curbs throughout the region – this time, because one-third of La Plata Electric Association’s board of directors seat...

Dealing with stress when it crops up in the workplace

No matter what facet of our lives we examine, it would seem as though stress is unavoidable. Maybe we experience stress at home, maybe we experience it at work, and maybe we exper...

Unapologetic advocacy for local self-reliance

What does it take to make positive change in the world? How can an individual make an impact on a system that is so much larger than herself? It certainly seems daunting, but one ...

Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace

Many of us are familiar with efforts to increase workforce diversity in relation to characteristics such as gender, religion, ethnicity, race, disability, age, sexual orientation and educati...

Local First is the voice of the local business community

Now, more than ever, supporting local, independent business is critical to bolstering our economy. Local First is proud to be working with La Plata County through their Cares Act ...